Publicaciones académicas

  1. “Hierarchies and the Organization of Knowledge in Production” Journal of Political Economy,108:5, págs. 874 a 904, octubre de 2000.
  2. “Contractual Allocation of Decision Rights and Incentives: The Case of Automobile Distribution” (con Benito Arruñada y Luis Vázquez) Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 17, págs. 257 a 284, abril de 2001.
  3. “The Effects of Business-to-Business E-commerce on Transactions Costs” (con Steven Kaplan) Journal of Industrial Economics, XLIX:4, págs. 463 a 487, 2001.
  4. “Business-to-Business E-commerce: Value Creation, Value Capture and Valuation” (con Steven Kaplan) en Advances in Applied Microeconomics, vol. 11, Elsevier, 2002.
  5. “Firms’ Boundaries and the Division of Labor: Empirical Strategies” (con Thomas N. Hubbard) Journal of the European Economic Association (Papers and Proceedings) 1:2, págs. 495 a 502, abril a mayo de 2003.
  6. “Inequality and the Organization of Knowledge” (con Esteban Rossi-Hansberg) American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings) 94:2, págs. 197 a 202, mayo de 2004.
  7. “Referrals” (con Tano Santos) American Economic Review, 94: 3, págs. 499 a 525, junio de 2004.
  8. “Completing Contracts Ex Post: How Car Manufacturers Manage Car Dealers” (con Benito Arruñada y Luis Vázquez) Review of Law and Economics, 1:1, págs. 149 a 173, abril de 2005.
  9. “Favoritism under Social Pressure’’ (con Ignacio Palacios-Huerta y Canice Prendergast) Review of Economics and Statistics, 87:2, págs. 208 a 216, mayo de 2005.
  10. “Hierarchical Sorting and Learning Costs” (con Thomas N. Hubbard) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 58:2, págs. 349 a 369, agosto de 2005.
  11. “Sabotage in tournaments: Making the beautiful game a bit less beautiful” (con Ignacio Palacios-Huerta), agosto de 2005.
  12. “Intelligence Failures: An Organizational Economics Perspective” (con Richard Posner) Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19:4, págs. 151 a 179, otoño de 2005.
  13. “Offshoring in a Knowledge Economy” (con Pol Antras y Esteban Rossi-Hansberg) Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121: 1, págs. 31 a 77, febrero de 2006.
  14. “The Knowledge Economy at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: the Emergence of Hierarchies” (con Esteban Rossi-Hansberg) Journal of the European Economic Association (Papers and Proceedings), abril a mayo de 2006.
  15. “Organization and Inequality in a Knowledge Economy” (con Esteban Rossi-Hansberg) Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2006, 121: 4, págs. 1383 a 1435, noviembre de 2006.
  16. “Managerial Leverage is Limited by the Extent of the Market: Hierarchies, Specialization and the Utilization of Lawyers’ Human Capital”, (con Thomas N. Hubbard) Journal of Law and Economics, 50:1, págs. 1 a 45, febrero de 2007.
  17. “Language and the Theory of the Firm” (con Jacques Crémer y Andrea Prat) Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122:1, págs. 373 a 408, febrero de 2007.
  18. “Organizing Offshoring: Middle Managers and Communication Costs.” (con Pol Antras y Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, In Helpman, E., Marin D., Verdier T. (2008) (Eds) The Organization of Firms in the Global Economy, Harvard University Press.
  19. “Specialization, Firms, and Markets: The Division of Labor Within and Between Law Firms” (con Thomas N. Hubbard) Journal of Law, Economics and Organization. 25:2, págs. 339 a 371, octubre de 2009.
  20. “Information Technology, Organization, and Productivity in the Public Sector: Evidence from Police Departments” (con Paul Heaton) Journal of Labor Economics, 18:1, págs. 167 a 201, enero de 2010.
  21. “Matching Problems with Expertise in Firms and Markets” (con William Fuchs) Journal of the European Economic Association. Vol. 8, n.º 2 y 3: 354 a 364, abril a mayo de 2010.
  22. “Offshoring and Wage Inequality: Using Occupational Licensing as a Shifter of Offshoring Costs” (con Chiara Criscuolo) American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings. volumen 100, número 2, págs. 439 a 443(5), mayo de 2010.
  23. “Did Good Cajas Extend Bad Loans?: Governance, Human Capital and Loan Portfolios” con Vicente Cuñat, The Crisis of the Spanish Economy, Edited by S. Bentolila, M. Boldrin, J. Díaz Jiménez, J.J Dolado (2010).
  24. “Towards a new Architecture for Financial Stability: Seven Principles” (con Rosa Lastra) Journal of International Economic Law, volumen 13, número 3, 597 a 623. Septiembre de 2010.
  25. “Organizing for Synergies” (con Wouter Dessein y Robert Gertner), American Economic Journal-Micro, 2(4): 77–114. noviembre de 2010.
  26. “Hierarchies and the division of labor” (con Tim Van Zandt), Princeton University Press 2012.
  27. “Knowledge, Communication and Organizational Capabilities” (con Yanhui Wu) Organization Science, 23:1382 a 1397. Septiembre a octubre de 2012.
  28. “Organizing Growth” (con Esteban Rossi-Hansberg) Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 147:2, 623 a 656. 2012.
  29. “Learning about the Nature of Production from Equilibrium Assignment Patterns” con Thomas N. Hubbard, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2013).
  30. “Handbook of organizational economics” (con Rober Gibbons y John Roberts) Princeton University Press, 2013.
  31. “Organizational Economics with Cognitive Costs”, (con Andrea Prat) Advances in Economic Theory, Econometric Society 10th World Congress, publicado por D. Acemoglu, M.Arellano, E. Dekkel, Cambridge University Press, junio de 2013.
  32. «Political Credit Cycles: The Case of the Eurozone» con Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, y Tano Santos. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 27(3): 145 a 66. Verano de 2013.
  33. “The Distinct effects of Information Technology and Communication Technology on Firm Organization”, con Nick Bloom, Rafaella Sadun y John Van Reenen, Management Science 60 (12): 2859 a 2885, diciembre de 2014.
  34. “Knowledge-Based Hierarchies: Using Organizations to Understand the Economy”, con Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Annual Review of Economics, vols. 7,1 a 30, 2015.
  35. “Optimal Contracting and the Organization of Knowledge” (con Willie Fuchs y Luis Rayo, Review of Economic Studies.82 (2), 632 a 658, primavera de 2015.
  36. “Why organizations fail: Models and cases”, con Luis Rayo, Journal of Economic Literature, 54 (1), 137–192, marzo de 2016.
  37. “The Sovereign-Bank Diabolic Loop and ESBies” con Markus K. Brunnermeier, Stijn Van Nieuwerberg, Philip Lane, Marco Pagano, Tano Santos, Ricardo Reis, David Thesmar y Dimitri Vayanos. American Economic Review P&P, 508 a 512, mayo de 2016.
  38. “The Returns to Knowledge Hierarchies”, con Tom Hubbard, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, vol. 32(4): 653 a 684, noviembre de 2016.
  39. “Firm Size Distortions and the Productivity Distribution: Evidence from France.” (con Claire Lelarge y John van Reenen) American EconomicReview106(11): 3439 a 79, noviembre de 2016.
  40. “Survive Another Day: Using the Composition of Investments to Measure the Impact of Credit Constraints”, con Claudia Steinwender, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 98 (5): 913 a 924, diciembre de 2016.
  41. “Relational Knowledge Transfers” (con Luis Rayo). American Economic Review 107 (9).2695 a 2730, septiembre de 2017.
  42. “Earnings inequality and coordination costs: Evidence from US Law firms” (con Thomas Hubbard) Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 34 (2): 196 a 229, mayo de 2018.
  43. “The COVID-19 bazooka for jobs in Europe”, CEPR, Libro “Mitigating the COVID Economic Crisis: Act Fast and Do Whatever It Takes”, págs. 129 a 139, marzo de 2020.
  44. «Towards a European Reconstruction Fund», CEPR, mayo de 2020.
  45. «Towards a feasible Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism». Presentación de la Proposición del Parlamento Europeo – 2020/2043 (INI): “Towards a WTO-compatible EU carbon border adjustment mechanism».
  46. «Tackling inflation if it reappears» (con Jesús Saa-Requejo y Tano Santos), CEPR, octubre de 2020.
  47. “Two Proposals to resurrect the Banking Union: the Safe Portfolio Approach and the SRB+”, CEPR Policy Insight N. 108, noviembre de 2020.
  48. “Why do we need a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism? Towards the development of a Climate Club”, Luis Garicano y María Fayos, octubre de 2021, en No Brainers and Low-Hanging Fruit in National Climate Policy, Francesco Caselli, Alexander Ludwig, Rick van der Ploeg, CEPR, 08 de octubre 2021.